Originally Posted by Rickey
Read them all frm beginning to the end...enjoyed it v. much  ...thanks to bro Terry for taking the time to write such a long sexciting account of this new girl he just met in dating apps  ...one of those lucky catches ..deserves an OSCAR award from boss of the forum..
A innocent new friendship turned so fast n so UNEXPECTEDLY sexciting the next day  ...so unbelievable...something tat is NEVER EXPECTED esp sexual will stay n be remembered as sweet memories in one's life for a long time to cum  ..only sad thing is it ends v. fast too...Anyway, good sharing..  Keep it up bro !...share more with us if you hv 
Thanks for the kind words, bro!

The sweet memories are always there, and as long as you cherish them, they technically don't end, but are in your heart, forever..