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Old 01-08-2020, 12:56 AM
GeylangWanderer GeylangWanderer is offline
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GeylangWanderer is a splendid one to beholdGeylangWanderer is a splendid one to beholdGeylangWanderer is a splendid one to beholdGeylangWanderer is a splendid one to beholdGeylangWanderer is a splendid one to beholdGeylangWanderer is a splendid one to beholdGeylangWanderer is a splendid one to behold
Hope to get some points as poor me only have 1 left

Should i take this opportunity to rant about the point system

Zapping is a deterrent used by person A to discourage person B from posting, nothing wrong so far but if you zoom out to a bigger picture and ask yourself.... Hey, what right does person A with free account have to discourage other people from posting in the forum? The person being zapped does not even know who did it, so now he suspects it could be person C, D, E or F.

If a person knows who zapped him then he can have a clear target for any anger or negative feelings but if he doesn't know who zapped him then this negative feelings will linger around the entire forum as in he will be suspicious of others

Zapping has a deep negative impact on the forum and yet is given to all free members to use. I feel this zapping or anonymous zapping should only be the privilege of paid members because each zap is actually costing the forum in terms of member activity

Zapping has never stopped the truly retards and crazies from continuing their nonsense, but it has surely stopped alot of people from freely posting their views, like for example now i only have 1 point left

actually i also do not care about my points, im just sad that my posts will become moderated

*the above are just my humble opinion of zapping

Thanks for the points
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Last edited by GeylangWanderer; 03-08-2020 at 01:21 PM.