Originally Posted by Black Page
The right time to start a hotel business in Batam!
Joking apart, what amazes me is that if I check the prices for Feb 21, I find that best prices at FourPoints Allium and Marriott HB are about 600k and 1300k, respectively, which is about 1 and 2 nights at our beloved Formosa, respectively again.
It looks like I will (when???  ) be able to stay at a Four Points paying the same I was used to pay at Formosa. It sounds excellent at first glance.
A number of questions arise though. At a Marriott hotel, would I be free to come and go with a variable number of girls any time I want as in Formosa? would I find the warm atmosphere I enjoyed for 10 years in Formosa? Last but not least, there will be SINTA??? 
Indonesia has suspended visas free entry to visitors from all countries, no foreign tourist can go to Batam at the moment, so room rate for all hotels have reduce dramatically. Even they offer staying for free also no use because Singaporean cannot go there.