Originally Posted by kbt7046
I believe vaccine passport only benefit foreign workers, especially Malaysian. They may be allow to resume daily commute between 2 sides if issue with vaccine passport. Singaporean may still won't be allowed for traveling to Batam for fun after vaccination. Basically the government is only interested to make foreign workers easier to come in to work. Until large number of foreign tourists coming into Singapore, the government is reluctant to allow Singaporean traveling overseas without any restrictions. The reason is clear, retail and service sector including casinos here currently depending on Singaporean spending to stay afloat, if the government allow Singaporean to travel freely overseas after getting vaccinated, retailers and service sectors here may not survive because Singaporean will be spending their money overseas and lack of tourists to fill the market.
Travel is 2 way. Not possible that other countries allow their citizens to go out n yet u don’t let ur people not to go to their countries