Originally Posted by funboi
Many world scientist now very worried about the P1 variant aka brazil mutated wuhan virus.
Coincident?  The made in China Sinovac uses brazil as testing ground since last year. They found the vaccine have only 50.4% efficacy. So it makes people wonder if such low efficacy vaccine could be one of the reasons causes the mutation of wuhan virus.
China, the cuntry of lies sure hv many to hide here & there. Any1 with brains could see thru their lies & untrue words.
Ppl jus need to engage sm common sense. If virus came frm USA or any other cuntry, why the initial first mass infection onli occur in Wuhan? Hope nobody uses their A-hole to think & come telling me any cuntry has ability to hide/hold an outbreak of pandemic. Didn't China initial stage of the pademic aso tries to collaborate with WHO to hide it isn't it? & apparently couldn't made it as much as they couldn't do so in the past.
Gentle reminder, where do you think "those who're not sick DO NOT NEED to wear a mask" words came from when coronavirus 1st started? More like china using WHO to sabo every1 to me.
Originally Posted by funboi
The influenza virus (aka flu virus) which keep mutating also uses vaccine thats have 50-60% efficacy.
Indonesia now using Sinovac. Need to pray hard the wuhan virus will not mutate there. 
Watever the percentage turns out, 1 thing i've in mind. Doc give me panadol for my headache, he cannot guarantees me tat i will not hv headache again.
If i ever can travel to btm & could get my hands on sinovac vaccine, i'll take it at 1st sight. Even if i aldy taken Pfizer or other non-sino vac jab.
The guy who initial the poison surely have the antidote or smthg close to it. Taking the antidote don't guarantee i wn't get poison again.