Originally Posted by wahlaoeh13
why even do u need to pay huh? Shld have plenty of fwb or ons
Originally Posted by iTea
, how come never get GF or FWB?
Short answer... I do! Hehe. FWBs yes, ONS not for some time. GF no!
FWBs are great to spend a day with. However on many other occasions, I just want an awesome cum with an awesome girl! Nothing more. Paying for it makes it simple - an hour or two I'm sexually blown away. Objective met. Now I can move on my other interests without having to think of the girl I was just with - no post-coital dinners, no need to send home, no fuss.
I like to travel light. Which explains why no girlfriend too! Lol.
To be honest, I do have commitment issues. Lol. Being committed to one relationship and being monogamous has never really fulfilled me. Had a few girlfriends before and it always became monotonous and emotionally tiresome. It's so predictable, so boring, so meh.
Truth be told, I truly love this game - the incredible variety of girls (both working and non-working girls), the hunt, the chase, the various methods of engagement, the gratification. It's addictive and I'm a junkie.
I'm sure many are in the same boat as I.