An other Budget PRC 31year old for S$30 FJ
It was my secound day in Singapore and last night I had 2 hours of fun for s$70. In the evening went out and on lor 20 close to alley I see this PRC and asked for Massage and FJ. We agreed for 30/hr. Went to room Shower SOP.and coverd BJ followed by FJ which was good in 2 positions.
After it I was expecting a good massage like I got yesterday from YU BIN. But she was not a good massage and it would not be wrong if I say bro don't even ask for it.Otherwise her attitude was good and when time come for secound round and I was unable to finish she tried all kind of ways to please me and when my little bro did not cooperate she change the rubber and start it again and after a while I was able to come.She sais she from Xian.And I told her that I will give her number to friends and will mention her price which was ok for her. She speak english and will be ok for any bro who can not speak chinese. I am back in USA and will go back in 2 months wish I had more time.I am not good in writing post and will request to senior bros if they meet her and post details.
Name Chong Mi
Age 31
Look 6/10 ( or maybe better)
Boobs A+
BJ 6/10 Coverd
Massage 1/10 I would say no massage
Attitude Good and friendly
FJ 7/10
Demadge 60/2 hours she ask for 30/hr no charge for CD. I use my room
Any bro want her number PM me. If you like please up my points.