Originally Posted by nono1973
In other word, i feel like a newbie..hehehe..i started from scratch all over again. 
5 years of living in batam....
just because of covid every thing gone.
haii....really need to restart.
Originally Posted by nono1973
My favourite Meximo pub wantan noodle can be ordered from those apps, & all the Micky mouse BKT in various location + etc etc too. .......
Don't know where to find good Nasi Padang? My advise...try EVERY Nasi Padang in Batam whenever you are there. You'll find one you like one day. 
for me I really missed my kidney/pig Blood fr Panuin and
Nasi Padang fishhead and sambaijo near the UTAMA "longkang"
Originally Posted by nono1973
....I said i walk pass Newton during the day. I don't think Newton discotheque is in operation during day time tho....
haha I think you passed by too late, II remember my early morning trip to market (for replenishment of my shop) at around 6-7am. can alway heard that music still ponding
Originally Posted by nono1973
I was about to tell you Utama hotel, but my recent trip tells me Utama hotel already closed down.
Try staying in Hotels near DC mall or ex-Utama hotel area, the MPs around there allows their girls to go hotel to do the massage for customer. And almost all of the MPs near DC Mall are "dirty massage".
Utama that was my regular hotel when you regulared Formosa.
yes guest could freely use the spa and gym but facility was a little old. inhouse massage girls cmi.. so used to pay extra Rp. to get girl from neighbor MP to came over.
Think would be revisit as a newbie within this month.
Any one can hold my hand?