Quiet day, no cb gog lol....
Anyway, here's today's instalment. Getting wordy & boring though
gog: Hey, ready to leave for church?
W(an) L(eng): Ooops sorry, I held you both back and late. Sorry...
Wan Leng turned around and tried to get up the chair but her stack of papers dropped and... well, nothing fancy, just a usual bra but I was more keen in Janice's.
Wan Leng left the room and I opened my eyes at Janice as if signaling her to get what she needs and get moving. She just pulled out a big soft luggage material type of bag and pretended it's very heavy by 'groaning' and doing the 'wipe sweat' actions. Typical of ladies... I grabbed the bag with one hand, rolled my eyes, and then left.
Reached my place and Janie skipped her way to my unit like a little girl. It's Sunday, but she's not even thinking about church.
gog: Janice!
J: Hmm? What?
I had cleared half my wardrobe space (somehow?) and was now empty enough. Hope it is sufficient for her to buy more and ... sexy ones too
gog: You can leave your clothes here.
J: Wah... so much space, I can go shopping liao. Yippee!
gog: You can get some sexy lingerie, you can use the bottom drawers.
Janice placed her hands around my neck...
J: So you think my lingerie not sexy enough?
gog: Can be better, lacy... coloured, beige is boring... try others?
J: Re-al-ly?
UH... was that a trick question? Die... I gotten myself into one of those never-correct-answer situations.
gog: I mean you look good in any lingerie, but you can look better, so, why stop at beige?
GREAT SAVE! GOOD GOAL GOG!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't know how that reply happened, but it did!!
J: Will consider.
gog: Tell you what, since we're skipping church, why not have some fun... and we'll go lingerie shopping?
Janice raised an eyebrow at the word 'fun' and before she knows it, I was between her legs again. Lingerie shopping is fun, hehe... she washed them and aired them at my place. Must look weird, a single man having lingerie hanging out for sun. Hope nobody finds out.