Originally Posted by dethar
 I Agree..with that.
One OKt SMS me for new stock update.. (Included the Web Add).
Unfortunately My OC was around and read it. She tried to go to website as per sms...Lucky to me is that she could not reached to right page. I was so nervous if she found out what will going on...between us.
*So i want to suggest that Email update is just enough for everything.
wah piang. bro i think if happen to me, i would be furious with the OKT.
recently there have been a few "out of the blue" smses from OKTs. dear OKTs, i know you guys are just carrying out some marketing and each sms is actually costing you money, but i suggest you just leave it to us bros to contact you. we are here in the forum and have joined your groups for a reason. no need to push the "product" under our noses. we will know where to find you.
SYT lover.....
My STRICT rating system:
4 – dont waste time and $
5 – normal, bonk only if have $ to spare
6 – above average, bonkable
7 – very good, worth $ + Tips
8 – excellent, bonk even if u have to queue
9 – MUST BONK, even if u have to rob bank