Bros, I have absolutely no desire in engaging in meaningless arguments in a sex forum but would like to say a few words on this tired topic, hopefully putting it to rest once and for all.
Coincidentally I know a friend who’s like MickeyMouse, actually even worse, for to my friend every China girl who comes to Singapore is a “whore”. This kind of hate mentality stems usually from childhood abuse or trauma.
You know the saying “Prostitution is the oldest profession known to Man”. That’s right, it’s referred to as a profession. It’s just a job a means to earn money not unlike a doctor, lawyer, engineer, banker, property agent or whatever other job. Sure there are working girls who scheme and play games and cheat or trick customers in order to get more money. But it’s the same in any other profession; there are also even worse blood suckers and con-men who are lawyers, bankers, businessmen, politicians etc.. These working girls, be it ML or FL, offer a service for monetary returns in a free seller buyer market. Nobody force you to buy their service. Of course they are here taking the risks of getting into trouble with law, to earn as much money as they can. Who is working not for money don’t want money? Every girl has a price to open her legs, sure, but even you also may suck Elon Mask’s cock and bend over for US$100million or $1billion. So actually everyone has a price, just because your price is higher doesn’t make you more morally superior. But to generalize and discriminate against a working girl just because of her profession is just plain shallow and kind of moronic. It’s the same hatred akin to racial discrimination. Why so much hate and why the need to keep spreading preaching the hate?
This reminds me of the old case in Hong Kong of a serial killer who kills prostitutes. Why? Because his mother was a prostitute whom he feel ashamed of and he had childhood abuse and trauma, thus creating his twisted personality when he grew up. 可恨之人必有可怜之处
So a person who preaches hate and distorted discrimination is usually projecting his inner damage, anguish, insecurities and bitterness stemming from childhood abuse, trauma and inferiority complex.
Sadly, this is the reality of life and one of dangers of this industry where a working girl will have to accept that there will always be some customers who treat them as non-humans to boost their own inferior egos. These said customers will feel offended if their measly few hundred or thousand is not able to “unlock” the girl, and may resort to violence, force or calling police on the girl who dare to defy their wishes. It’s actually a very bully mentality reeking of toxic male masculinity complex.
You know how in some of the old Hong Kong gangster movies, there’s always some arrogant crass low class act-tough gangster with a guai-lan face everyone just want to punch, who would always slap the KTV or massage girls around, treat them worse than animals? Whose common line is usually “You are just a whore!” When watching the movie, do you ever think “oh I hope someone will talk reason with him and then he will change and not hate anymore”? LOL Precisely.
To newbies just joining: Actually this is just a game. Different players will have different thinking. In any game, you will win some and lose some. If your ego is too fragile can’t lose then don’t play. Period. If you lose in this game it’s cos the particular girl is smarter than you one up you, just the same as any businessman or lawyer or politician one up you. Doesn’t matter the profession. There will always be good apples and bad apples in any profession. Just because you can’t accept that a working girl is smarter than you and can one up you, you feel extreme loss of face and your ego can’t handle it, then you start branding all working girls as not human deserve to be trampled on like dirt. Better just stop playing the game if the aforesaid narrative fits you. Cos it’s too much negative energy and hate.
You just end up hurting yourself that’s all.
Originally Posted by Xanderxx
How you know the ML who you spreading rumours is enjoying but not undergoing huge pain physically and mentally, so she has to exit from the scene for time being? ML 也是人, they also have their family and may have encountered their life events and 生死大事. All the rumours is coming from your wild guess and jealousy. I quite pity you actually. Wondering someone like you who has No Respect to others, if you really have family and friends around your side when you also facing your生死大事. I am speaking out for the ML, then I WK. How about you? You are the business competitor? Destroy their names so that you take over their business?