Originally Posted by Black Page
Do you know how girls are paid by their employers there?
Wah! So many questions all in one post, hehehe....
Ok ok, now to answer your query base on what was garnered from the girls so far, generally in different clean MPs.
Yes, they were paid by their employer.
I learned recently that bigger, fatter, older, uglier ladies seems to be paid higher (surprising, isn't it) in clean MPs, hehehe...around 2 juta+ of fix salary per month and/or above. Younger ones usually around 1.6 juta or less a month. Lowest i seen so far is 1.2 juta/month (fix salary).
Originally Posted by Black Page
Do they have a fixed salary? Or are they paid some amount per each customer?
Yes, they hold a fix salary, and as mention older girls got pay higher as they have better experience in terms of massage skill (they also have regulars too). Note here some younger and prettier girls were not allow to go to hotel room for body massage, hehehe...but well, there is always a way if there is a "will" to get to them to my room.
One will need to look into the reason/s why the shop do not allow younger girls to go to hotel room to do massage, hehehe...yes, look from the MP shop's perspective/s 1st.
(beside Hana Hotel, there is a Paragon Hotel. Paragon hotel got a popular MP who used to allow their girls to go to room to do massage for a few years, then one day suddenly that wasn't allow anymore, why so?

Anyway, once inside the room it will be up to individual's coaxing and action.
After action the girls will usually tell me, please don't tell ANYONE that i do this "action" because shop do not allow any "plus plus action", hehehe....i kept my promise with them.
For starter, i need to be their regular 1st. Meaning the moment i walk-in, the whole shop need to know "who am i", hehehe.... (i even have a pretty high auto-discount too).
In a way, i paid lesser, but i get more, isn't it?
The girls, be it young or old were paid differently for different packages customer took up, as well as the number of hours of the package they worked on. Example, if i order a girl for foot reflexology for an hour. The girls will be paid a commission for each customer they served (foot reflexology usually were paid the lowest basic commission as its the lowest package in-shop). A little higher commission for Traditional Massage and an even higher amount for top packages like Aromatherapy Massage or other top range massage package.
Food and accommodation were 100% covered by the company they worked for too. They usually stayed in place which the young girls called, Mass (sound something like that). The girls who stayed in company provided place were mostly singles (as in not married) and mostly "younger" who came from different parts of Indonesia.
Those who stay in-house mass can save up 100% of their salary if they do not have "extra entertainment".
Younger girls made about 4 to 6 juta a month (more/less depending if there are a major holiday like CNY, Labour Day etc during a certain month), including commission but excluding tips. I am surprised that older girls made more than that (as in more than younger therapist).
Older therapist usually have family members, eg husband, kid/s etc, in Batam. They hold a higher fix salary too. And they usually "stayed out" and have more freedom.
Most if not all massage therapist will have one day off per week. They can also choose not to go for their off day and come back to shop to work, but usually there's basic no salary. Only commission were given (and tips from customer/s).
Originally Posted by Black Page
Then, when there is a discount, the discount is also applied proportionally to the girl's share?
Nope, whenever there is discount given to customer, it will NOT jeopardize the therapist's commission.
Example, if i have been massage before my bro Blackpage in a XXX MP, and if i return to XXX MP and REQUEST from reception to have bro Blackpage to massage me again, bro Blackpage will get a slightly higher commission then the 1st time massage session.
I am talking about Clean MPs now, hehehe....one day i may go deeper into Hair Salon/s, hehehe....
* i have seen a bald man inside a hair salon in Batam before.
Just sharing a bit of experience here.