Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin
the circle K closest slightly later but i not sure what time do they actually closed. Went in last weekend, 2am they still open.
Circle-K closed? I have never seen a circle-K in that area close before. Which is why i am surprise to see Indo Maret closed when i was there at about 3am. Believe me, last year quite a few times i was there eye-ing at M1/Galaxy girls coming to the K-mart in group to buy stuffs at around 2 to 3am, hehehehe...
Timing plays a key role in any places in Batam, i guess. Just like visiting Memory at 3pm+ is as good as visiting M1 at 3am+.
Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin
good miss, there's a LCD screen for selection can see on their IG page (Person very innovative, turn on live to show the screen. But photos also very different from actual person.  (same boss but phoenix photos are closer to actual)
I see.
They didn't show me anything on screen tho. But I know Indonesian girl's PS skills are quite good, especially when they show me what they had on their tik tok videos. The ugliest oldest fattest girl can also become the most beautiful youngest prettiest girl on screen, hehehe...
Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin
i notice there's an influx of Jakarta girls tho at all massage places esp tho in the harbourbay area. Wanted to find more extra LTs (many went to JB to work) but most of them are only here for a short stint.
Girls turn over rate are pretty high in the Batam scene, i probably see a few beautiful looking ladies at Memory today, a month or 2 later, they were all gone (may have found their "gold tor" or something).
I visit massage shops on a near daily basis (i think i go massage twice a day on average in Batam, sometimes more). Spa wise i am more on Venew Spa and....hehehe.... Phoenix. Surprise isn't it? Reason is simple, i don't like crowded places. I don't drink and i do not like paying money to do what i do not like to do.
If the girl/s i am an assigned were from Jakarta or Medan, i brand that day as "bad luck day" even before my session started. So far never had any good time with girls from Jakarta and Medan before.
Next trip on July, i would love to look into BCS area. I don't stay around an area for very long, usually play the "Hop & Dwell" game to help me better understand a certain area. At least i won't dare to say i visited one massage shop in Utama area only ONE time, didn't had good experience and then claim that shop sucks, hehehe....
I visited Phoenix no less than thrice by now (yes, even when i claim it isn't good enough last time). Still, i need to dwell deeper.