14-06-2023, 06:06 PM
Veteran Samster
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
Originally Posted by nono1973
Which is another reason why i often give such
So far those Indo Chinese hasn't return yet. But too bad, they do not do overnight. If they do, they run away in the middle of the night, hence i go there only to show my face, hehehe...
Memory is not bad recently, better service-orientated as compare to some places i knew. But their girls were around 1.5 juta to 1.8 juta for SYT, hehehe...and if make comparison with M1 and Galaxy's ladies going for 2 juta to 2.5 juta, it isn't really expensive as one is high class KTV and the other one is a "run-down" KTV.
For me, KTV don't suit me. I mainly goes for 1 juta to 1.2 juta big fat old ugly girls who were about 20 plus but below 30. I still use 100k rupiah HJ and 200k FJ
Man's meat and poison theory applies.
** every Batam trip, Utama area is a must-go for me.
Yes, Indo Chinese not easy to find and I think play what that suite you is the best.

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