Originally Posted by iicecube
Hmm thanks for info on memory KTV hotel, will be doing my homework before going down this July trip since so long after COVID-19 period.
Both memory & M1 are 2 different set up with 2 different class.
Memory is mainly an overnite bking joint with KTV as sub. Cheaper but girls comes in all ages (besides Milf, Gilf also have). SYT are definitely available there but you'll need some luck & the right timing to fish them out. They, the syt are "ang pai" there, often got snap up real fast. The whole set up is, you just walk in, the girls were line up for you to choose. If you're in ktv room, they go to yr room. If you want to bring direct to hotel after choosing from main hall, they can be delivered to yr hotel room directly at yr desire time. Straight forward price btw 1.5jt to 1.8jt to bring back to rm any time.
M1 is solely as a ktv night club, similar to the set up of Singapore night club ktv. Mainly SYTs there. But price cost 2 to 3 times more. Expect to pay a total bill over 4 jt to book a girl there (with drinks, bar-fine, tips, all bills, booking price added in). Newbie may need to standby abt 4.5jt per pax in group of 4 if they're looking at ktv for a night till almost closing with overnight booking.
Originally Posted by iicecube
Solo go in KTV does that make me weird? Do I need to sing and drink then can try out their SYT, cause I see room bed at their actual location as well.
This one's really depend on individual liking.
Sm likes to try 1st before bring back rm, sm just go ahead & bring back rm directly to avoid inflicting extra cost on drinks, bills, tips.
Both choices has its pros & cons.
Really up to individual's liking.