Originally Posted by boyboy85
Yes this i agree… once you have the chemistry… but you will still have to cover for her voucher.. i booked my girl during previous trips for 3 nights about 7mil for 3 nights.. it was enjoyable and fun.. but the process took abit of time.. as that was my 3rd trip to find her..
Haha yea, and my trip is always in the weekend so need to pay 2 voucher for her not to turn in for work, then I will top up abit for her, all in still less than 2m. Sometimes it will be slightly higher than joint girl, or around the same. But the girl quality will be so much better, and the mileage is also so much lower.
And the time she will be with me is so much longer than joint girl as well(no min shot rules as well), basically if i am there for 3days 2 nights, she will be with me the whole time.
^Only suitable for bro that will go once in a while, and can speak bahasa. If bro that only go once in a blue moon and prefer ST + different girls, then visiting SPA/ST joint still the best.