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Old 02-04-2024, 02:26 PM
WhiteMilk WhiteMilk is offline
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Re: How to make GL better and better?

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
One man’s paradise another man’s prison cos beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I like maybe you all dislike

But now we have almost nothing in the legal scene
Even during those so-called "golden days", I have heard bros in this forum and elsewhere whispering about how the gahmen will "one day get rid of GL and how we should enjoy it while it lasts"

and I think it's true that they don't get rid of GL in one fell swoop but in a slow and gradual process

I realized this when I saw the bro who posted about the gahmen refusing to give Malaysian gals long term permit and they only give them 2 years only to ban them from Singapore once their 2 years is up, and so the new Malaysian bloods don't want to take that route

This is their way to squeeze out life from GL slowly and eventually let it die off eventually. We are sadly witnessing the last whimpers of this once happening place filled with unforgettable memories
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