Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang
Okts old man & Ah Xiong....friendly not pushy, nice guys, shop renovated earlier this year2024, clean and comfortable, can help yourself to a good variety of soft drinks in the lounge fridge, in house parking they cover license plate, lol
Currently has 4 gals working...LeLe, Bao Bao, Xi Xi & Duo Duo...all 4 from last batch, started in Jul/Aug 24...Bao Bao I tried and going to try LeLe next...
Generally all 4 gals seem a decent variety based on current gl prc standards...think Xi Xi & Duo Duo can call short time at 100/1/30 mins...the other 2 seem like APs so don't think they do short time anymore??...
Oh yeah, think 16W04 have 7 newbies who should be starting work in the first week of Nov if all goes well...