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Old 01-02-2025, 12:36 PM
happytree123 happytree123 is online now
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Topper View Post

"Very tired" is the usual same trick reply, recycled by these PRC 绿茶妹 once they found out you cannot provide additional tips/gifts after they discover a better carrot head. Fun fact - these are actually polite replies advised by their seniors as they are at a losing end once they offend their regulars whom will give them bad FRs and complaints etc.

These 绿茶妹 are extremely deceptive can 翻脸比翻书快 at the right moment as mentioned before and most importantly extremely greedy in disguise esp. when they are new and ambitious so can role-play the perfect submissive and 'appear to be extremely kind and totally not greedy at all' lover to every customer til they found a few carrot heads as standbys then you will be out of their billboard list. Once they know you have fallen in, they will slowly drops hints for you to Bao them or give additional monies/gifts and when things turn sour then prata to claim innocence like thief calling a thief, pattern more than badminton, LOL.

These carrot heads will take turns to be on the top of their list to chat til the wee hours of the morning til refreshed. If you are discerning enough, you will found out when they suddenly say they are 'tired' and either due to not enough sleep or even didn't sleep the previous night all because they were game on the hunt chatting with multiple carrot heads or what PRC ladies called '潜力股' the previous nights. But when asked they will give excuses instead that they couldn't sleep due to some 'problems' they are facing back home etc., LMAO.

But little did they know that they themselves are being hunted by the fake 富豪 under Cat 4 as mentioned previously which is most rampant in GL whom will give them false promises to gain their attention and special services, then suddenly MIA with various excuses, LOL.

All these 绿茶妹, esp. those pretty ones are forced to come here with a dark past with a 不可告人的秘密 which can be so scary and shocking (comedic & ridiculous even) and unimaginable to our locals. These tragic incidents - some immoral or borderline criminal all started after China enter WTO in 2000 and created a new toxic culture ' 拜金主义盛行,财富成就一切' due to sudden capitalism explosion resulting in wealth disparity and miseries.

It's all part of karma. You just need to know how to protect yourself with ZERO mercy to conquer over them at all costs.

In case something untoward happens, stay cool and always remember..
" 人善被人欺,马善被人骑 – 所以男人想要站得稳,必须心要狠, 要敢硬气一点她们敢跟你拼命吗?"
agreed, that's why I never ever provide gifts/cash or pay for additional session just to chit chat. The paid session must have reasonable ROI.

actually, my suspicion grew when she suddenly asked me where is a good aesthetic clinic in Singapore when previously she said need send back home alot of money, now suddenly can splurge $1000++ on facial treatment. SGD 1K to RMB especially in her village is a lot of money. Then came the free iPhone 16 pro max which confirm everything. Now just interested to see how she wanna play this wechat "silent mode" game with me.

I think I "lost my usefulness" partly cos now with local iPhone and can download our local apps already e.g Google Maps which she cannot do previously on her PRC huawei phone. Which means she can be more independent without relying on a "local guide" like myself.

Of course, I must say I am not the dumb sponsor hahaha. So reminder to all the bros, this type of money warfare, you can never win one. Conserve your finite $$ resources and just wait out for the next batch of WLs to play with.