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Old 01-02-2025, 03:34 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by happytree123 View Post
agreed, that's why I never ever provide gifts/cash or pay for additional session just to chit chat. The paid session must have reasonable ROI.

actually, my suspicion grew when she suddenly asked me where is a good aesthetic clinic in Singapore when previously she said need send back home alot of money, now suddenly can splurge $1000++ on facial treatment. SGD 1K to RMB especially in her village is a lot of money. Then came the free iPhone 16 pro max which confirm everything. Now just interested to see how she wanna play this wechat "silent mode" game with me.

I think I "lost my usefulness" partly cos now with local iPhone and can download our local apps already e.g Google Maps which she cannot do previously on her PRC huawei phone. Which means she can be more independent without relying on a "local guide" like myself.

Of course, I must say I am not the dumb sponsor hahaha. So reminder to all the bros, this type of money warfare, you can never win one. Conserve your finite $$ resources and just wait out for the next batch of WLs to play with.
Yes, always have a ROI mindset with diversification strategy is the key with at least 3 on standby ( I have at least 8 on standby with rankings, LOL).

They always play this Wechat 'silent' mode as a form of 冷战,冷暴力 strategy. For one, as they know that 言多必失 so they dun wish to say things to offend you. Secondly and most importantly, it's part of their game plan to lure you out to book them again for another session or offer to give them gifts etc. Don't believe, you Wechat her to say you would like to book her for a slot (but must at least be one hour) and give her tips etc., she will confirm reply your message with a kurt “可以”, LOL. Such is part of the 欲擒故纵 technique they used since time immemorial.

However, GL is not Flower Joints where monies are thrown for a prize catch to "斥千金,换美人一笑 " Siao. Never overpamper them with gifts or tips, else its neverending and spoil the market, after spa treatment package/iphone, next will be threatened with LV bags & jewelries as already happened many times before and become what the PRCs called a 添狗 or 冤大头 (Carrot Head),LOL.

End of day, its whether you want to gain the upperhand or getting pwned.
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Last edited by Topper; 01-02-2025 at 06:25 PM.