Re: Primary School Sex Life(True Story)
I try to complete the story fast. My boss is not in office yet...
Part 2
Things happened after PLSE examination. We were always out playing and cycling. One fine day, it started to rain while we were cycling to the nearby beach (our HDB estate is beside the coast). We were all drenched when we reach the seaside shelter. And KuKu saw something unexpected. Jane’s breast and pink nipples can be seen through her drenched white t-shirt and bra. At this time, KuKu’s dick was so hard on and KuKu’s short was drenched. The shape of KuKu’s dick can be seen. KuKu notice that Jane actually keeps peeping at KuKu’s dick and KuKu was feeling embarrassed. Before the rain could stop, Jane was shivering with cold and we decided to hug each other to keep warm. When the rain stopped, Jane and KuKu cycle back to our estate. When we reach our estate, Jane asked KuKu to come to her home after wash up. Jane parents were on business trip to KL. Jane wanted KuKu to accompany her while her parents were away.
When KuKu reach Jane’s house, she already changed into dry clothing and she pulled me into her room anxiously. She made me sit on her bed and she show me a magazine which below to her dad. The magazine was like Penthouse or Playboy but it was written in mandarin. This is the first time KuKu see men and women naked bodies. KuKu do not feel embarrass but infect KuKu was curious. We started to giggle as we flip through the magazine with Jane.
While we flip through the magazine again and again, Jane suddenly asked me to be naked and show her KuKu’s dick. Without hesitation or embarrassment, KuKu took off KuKu’s clothing and KuKu requested her to do the same too.
We started to touch each other private parts and keep giggling. At this point KuKu still do not know how to masturbate, but just feel very high-tide and need to pee. This was our first time to see and touched a man and a woman naked.
Whenever Jane and KuKu were alone in KuKu’s house or her house, we will take off our cloths and start to play. There was a time where Jane touch KuKu’s dick. KuKu was feeling very good and for awhile, KuKu feel like being electrocuted and ejaculated. Sperm oozed from KuKu’s penis and flow on to Jane's hand. KuKu rush to the toilet and clean up the mess and feeling scare as what are those white sticky things. Both of us were very scared and from here onwards, we never try do it anymore. After this incident, KuKu started to have occasional wet dreams. But KuKu still know nothing about masturbation.
I wish I have more time to write.
To be continue....