Re: Primary School Sex Life(True Story)
Reminds me of an incident happen to me last time ...also as pri sch boy..keke..very innocent tat time dunno anything..
I remember it was pri 3/4... i wud go swimming at public swimming complex every saturday afternoon with my neighbour (boy) and our parents wud take us there (parents wud jus watch us swim)... got one time after swim we went to body rinse at the rinsing area nearby (not toilet)... each rinsing cubicle is divided by a wall.... when we reached there, there were a number of kids rinsing there also with their parents... i tink our parents decided to let us bathe there instead so we stripped naked and our parents soap us and all tat... at one point i tink my parent left me to go talk to my neighbour's parent or wat i dunno, i was left alone... so i felt scared and i went to the cubicles to search for her... then i saw one ger also same age as me bathing naked ... her naked back was facing me when i saw her....I was curious to see a naked ger so i actually stood there and observed ... den she sensed i was there but she only turned her head to look at me.. but i din leave and stood there and waited ... then i felt my dick getting harder! I didn't understand why so i waited a while more see wat happen... then my dick got very very hard... it was pointing at the ger! All these was observed by the ger also ...keke!! then i broke off my attention and looked ard and i tink i saw the ger's father jus beside me...he was actually watchign this little intereaction happening.. den i went off to search for my mom again and finally found her.. so i finished up the bathing and left .