Re: Thread For Exchange Of Points
Posting 9 bullets for exchange. No min pts. Fast return. No queue.
Return list (new post needed):
masterbaker, vin2324, gasscut, flare
Waiting for bros to return me:
blusterRifle, Johnnypapa, itenshi, highflyerz, deltaairforce, bumblebtch, divergent27878, TWongJ, dashingactive, Brojoms, Bustybibi, SaintTKP, ly1968, wanted900, tayahboy, gianttissue, japankimochi, Stevevaldez, entering, chichihan, tournedos, donzzz, James80, fuGIM, SuperPaman, Ministryofhappy, HKCAD, Doingfine, toukin, Duakeeliao, VodkaMenthol, KOPIOKOSONG, HAIDILAOHOTPOT, thispenzer, bomberman18, Xzor66, liarrr, roundaclock, DarkSith, pretiLuigi, hewhowaitsforsu, Limping, MengNan, xkyox86, Fishwife, plainterg, thunderbow9