Originally Posted by Shim
Bro you the best ..... but I dare not say that to OC, she will say, you got something to hide izzit ....
Simple, just tell her that its not a matter of whether you've something to hide or not, but simply a matter of RESPECT
Take note although this might sounds MCP-ish but as a man (albiet all the modern days SNAGs or sensitive guys) please do not let your wife dominate you totally, you will suffer for life

, giving in moderately or selectively is still okay.
However if you are one of those that have already given in totally BEFORE marriage than it will be difficult to change it now. Always assert yourself before you take the plunge as it will be fairer to your future wife.
BTW do you really know the meaning of your nick Shim???

(no offence intended tho)
Cheerios....SS08 ^_^