Woes of Satisfying Sexual Needs (Help Me Thread)
My girlfriend and I have been together for more than 3 years.. We have never engage into any sexual activities more than heavy petting.. Meaning, she's still a virgin. I regretted telling her that I would rather leave my first time with my loved one during nuptial night.. That happen roughly few months when we get together.. I mean, who don't say such noble stuff to their gf during romantic moments before?
About a year later, I initiated and on top of the "promise" I told her, she added that we shouldn't commit such things when we're still a (varsity) student.. Ok, I respect her.. Now, we're a couple of months before getting into the working society. I asked her again, now she blame me of lying to her about the "promise". It's my stupidity to tell her that initially but I just got a feeling that she just plainly doesn't want to do it with me.. The fact is that she loves me truthfully and we have sincerely engaging into wedding plans but I just can't see the reason why..
Now the reason she gave me is that she's afraid of the initial pain, it could be true but even if this is solve, I just feel that she will cook up some other excuse to reject me..
Some bros might zap me because they may think that my gf is doing the right thing and based on frequent media education, I may be a bastard to force her like this but I just want to pint point my view..
As an adult, I do have my own natural needs. It's not like I'm those nuts in TV serials, after screwing innocents, will just ditch them away.. Getting married is a definite. It's just a matter of time and resource.. Oh ya, sometimes she will say that since I can hold my needs for 3 years, why can't hold a few more? Damn! What am I suppose to tell her? Can you tell a prisoner that is releasing after 5 years of stay for another 5? And tell him that since he has already stayed for 5, why can't stay another 5 more.. Spastic excuse.. I have my needs and I believe bros out there will agree fully with me..
Some may suggest that I go for paid sex but this will arise into further problems if found out.. So fed up now.. Want to satisfy my natural needs, my gf disallow. Only solution is to look for paid ones and she will make a big fuss out of it.. If I do look for FLs, will I become a devil? Cheating behind the back of my gf.. What am I suppose to do? This also cannot, that also can't.. Breaking up is of course not a solution. See psychiatrist? Don't think she wants..
Can bros out there please provide me with a serious-no-nonsense solution? Thanks.