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Old 30-04-2008, 01:31 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by dirtyhairy View Post
To Thread Starter, I have a question,
while yours involves unfulfillment
becos your guy cums too fast and affect your enjoyment
in my case, I tend to screw hard and probably too long
and although my gal always cums as often as 4-5 times during our bonk
she has asked me to cum faster especially if our session lasts an hour long
I dun know why having sex with her I could "tahan" and prolong
maybe I love seeing her facial expressions, her cums as she enjoys my dong
she says that while cumming too many times is shiok and song
but her neck aches bad (as she reaches to deep french me) as if it's torn
she says it's better to cum twice than more but the climaxes must be strong
and that it's best when I could also cum along
is there a compromise where we could both enjoy our bonk
not too short and not too long?

Dirtyhairy, we're abit alike, if i fuck to fast and furious, i will have a hard time cumming, according to my doctor, its called delayed ejeculation. well i got fed up of it (i could go on for more then an hour and my freaking penile would be so dam sore) anyways the doc recommanded that i fuck slower and slowly enjoy the feeling.. it worked and now i average on about 15 to 20 mins... i feel better and my parther gets to sleep more...

and for TS, get your bf to do the 9 times table i his head, it's take the attention of his other head and he should last longer... i did it once and went completely soft when i reach 9 x 13....