Originally Posted by wooshiedot
comGetting increasingly unfulfiled, increasingly I am beginning to search online for tantric, sensual or even escort services for women..which is bad. All in all, I am still trying to preserve this relationship; but i do not know how long i can endure this.
I just have 2 questions.
1. Are there anyone out there or any suggestions on what i can do to "teach" him...? I was hoping I could engage someone to come and do a practical on me and at the same time, be able to guide him and all on the hot spots and how to properly do it.
My dear girl, as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect (or at least close to perfect we.. or at least better..) your bf dont have alot of expreience from the way you put it so dont jump the gun, and the getting someone to do a practical on you... if your bf isnt open minded enough, it can go very wrong...(or too open minded for that matter but thats another story)
have a nice chat with him and hopfully both of you can come to a mutual agreement/solution.
according to an article i ahve seen some where, on average, a guy cums after 4 to 5 mins of constent thrusting. so it might be one, he's normal, just not good enough to satisfy you, or two, he is suffering from premature ejaculation.
Cheers and good luck