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Old 01-05-2008, 10:38 AM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Sis Woo,

I think if there is a mismatch in sexual drives, it's a big problem. Most guys with wives who have low sex drives will probably attest to this. It is the same in my case as OC has low sex drive.

As for PE, I can say that your bf is quite lucky to have a gf like you who is willing to help. I don't know if this helps but you could try :-

1. Ask him to exercise his PC muscle (you can do a google find out more).
2. Have sex in the morning, for me I find that I last longer in the morning.
3. If PE is still a persistent problem, I think your bf should develop other skills like cunnilingus...but I suppose it all depends on what you like.
My 1st Tarma, Double V, Double L, Sherry,
RTF : Lina, Sherry
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