Originally Posted by leonard87
i wont expose my dad at court if its not needed..i will collect more evidence against him and confront him with my bro.but if he dunno how turn over a new leaf i will just expose him and ask my mum to divorce him..i dun mind bringing the shame to my dad..i want all the guys out there to know even ur own child can turn his back against you when you betrayed your own family..if you want to turn back on your wife then why get married at the first place?too me i detest people who betray marriage who betray their wife/husband..and when your wife is bearing your children..how much is she suffering and you still want to have sex outside..if your horny then just pcc yourself..i am not saying i am a saint myself but i still know what is to honour marriage what is to honour your wife your other part
Originally Posted by leonard87
yes adultry is not a crime in commercial law but it is in marriage laws,sure the guy cant be send to jail or anything..but when get divorce he must give the wife alimony moneys and alot of things more..seriously think abt it u betray ur wife/gf just because she cant sastify you then your just an animal not even fit to be a human..to say the truth i know even my uncle is betraying his family..he's already near 70 got an accident before so he cant walk properly and has no income..but his wife and his children gave him money..and yet he goes to find prc did he think of how they work and gave him money seriously when i think of it i find it filthy and detestable as i say if your horny go and pcc yourself..because when we guys say what needs is all BS we just wants to shoot our load off thats all.then just go pcc
Originally Posted by leonard87
i am 21 and i have been tru my share of relationships with gals..yes and i admit i once step on 2 boats and also had been betrayed before..so i know the feeling of seeing the hurt look on your loved ones and the feeling of being betrayed by the one you love....i dare say my mum din treat my dad badly neither did my aunt to my uncle..my mum even as she has illness wake up early just to iron my dad's clothes for work..worrying him as he come home late and wait for him till he came home..saying that you need someone to care for u when ur old u can talk it out with families..just a simple talk with ur kids..u need comfort from prc?thats all lame reasons to justify your actions and this are actions which can never be condone..seriously when i see married man still eating outside..i feel sorried for their wives..a woman will marry you because she trust you and she love you and yet you betray that very trust and love she gave it to you..seriously i had close friends that had many gfs and one time i seriously feel he is so dirty
after so many advice by the brothers here you are still so.... insisitant on your one man vigilante war against your father huh?? Why do you think that SEX is the main issue ?? Asking your uncle to PCC?? Dun be a joke la!! Let me tell you you'll not only be shaming your father dude!!! Your whole family including your mother and both you brothers will be too!! How's your mother gonna take it huh smart ass?? So you going to be the good ol filial son to be by her side to console her. I already can forsee 5 yrs down the road when you have your own family you ARE not gonna be by her side and by your doings your father will not too ANGEL!!

You always think its sex its sex its sex!!! Let me tell you ya ITS NOT ITS NOT ITS NOT!! Having no ethics of your own yet wanting to be the judge of an issue that you cannot even understand. You think you really are matured enough at 21?? You cannot even bear the consequences of a family breakup. You do not understand the pain and torment that it will bring!!! YOu are only aware and selfish for your own personal opinion views and thinking. Anyway I feel that even with all these advice here you will never heed any of them and will only have your own mindset. So be it!! Bros just let him be andsink in his own piss. Let us not be bothered with one who is so confined within his own stereotyped thinking on how the world should be.