Originally Posted by fl_slayer
hmm......thanks for the feedback as this will hopefully give jiaqi some pointers and be able to serve bro much better. she is young and creative but backfired for her plan.....
put urself in her shoe.....so many bro here call her and support her and her intention is to serve as many bro as possible(within a day) and not let them disappoint,but she got only one pussy(unless she can split herself into 3)
guess the respond is overwhelming.
had told her to accept appointments within her means, if too many bros for the day no choice have to scheldue them on some other day, service is wat bro here looking for and if is a good bonk they will be willing to wait.
trust me , she will serve u guys better now.
sign off
good morning bro....
let me say something hor....
in my own shoe.......i have waited her twice n kena fly ley.if cant make it then tell lor but dont let people wait mah,right?