I have something to share with you guys but was wondering whether if this is a normal kind of sex life that I have with my wife, perhaps you guys can enlighten me.
I'm in my early 40s & my wife is in her late 40s, we really do enjoy our sex life throughout our marriage. I'm very lucky to be bless with a wild sex partner that I have ever come across in my life. She is sexy with long hair & can carry herself quite stylishly & exquisitely in public, this worries me in a way because whenever we are out shopping or dining, men always drool at her especially the caucasian bastard.

One thing that I don't quite understand about her is that I don't know why my wife is highly charge with sex, her sexual appetite is incredible at her age. She needed to have sex at least 3-4 times per week, she is quite wild on bed & each session I’d make sure she cum 2-3 times the minimum, I wonder her sexual behavior is normal ?
As you know when a man reaches the age of 40s, our body won't be able to generate/recover as much sperm as compared to our younger days when we were in our 30s. I'm an active sportsman & I love sports very much thus my sports performance has been affected, not as energetic & as perseverance as before.
I love my wife very much to the extent that when we make love, I’d always surprise her with something new, eg. I’d use her scarf to blindfold her, in addition I'd use our curtain rope to tie both of her hands to our bed railings while I'm kissing & fondling her from behind, from there my tongue will start working from her ear down to her anus & there I’d start licking & eating her pussy furiously. This is where she starts moaning & purring like a mature cat loudly, this really makes me & her in cloud nine. After all these years I was wondering if it is because of all this sexual act that makes her wanting more & more ?
So can you guys pls tell me how can I make my wife to lower down her sex drive, care to share ?
From a very frustrated worried stressful active sportsman.