Thread: Hygiene
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Old 30-09-2008, 04:15 PM
Flavoured Flavoured is offline
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Re: Hygiene

EVIL STD TOWELSSSSS NooOooo! and the worse thing is that you can sue the towel for giving you STDs

but seriously, it is possible.

Syphilus would prolly have a highest chance, really slim, but not impossible. there were cases of people being infect with syphilus by sitting on toliet sits.

when the blisters "burst" the liquid(or whatever they call it) is highly infectious esp. if you got a, open wound.

its not that horrible an STD its really painful and in most cases people dont even know they have it. but the later stages of syphilus affects your brain(appraently it can alter the way you think or character lol).

other then that you should be pretty save (from the evil reused and unwashed towels)

you wanna play the game then you gotta be prepared to lose, life is very often a lose lose situation, maybe you have been infected already~

Oh! and Pubic Lice!! those of you with thick forests!! beware!! and HSV..and herpes.. dam.. to many!! (but only if they dont disinfect the towels after use)

thus the best prevention will be to wear swimming trunks to HCs