Originally Posted by SammyHulk
Such is the complexities of emotions. Looking in a logical manner, i bet my last dollar you already know what to do about this relationship. It is your own emotions that do not allow a clean break.
You can have all the advice you need but ultimately you have to make a decision and a tough one i know.
I agreed with what bro SammyHulk has said. In addition, u have better control yr emotions.. whether u want to continue seeing her is not really an issue... By all means if you can control. But serious doubt so since you are already seeking advice. Just be mentally prepared that she will end the r/s with u anytime. So start today by telling yrself that she is gg to break with u 2moro. If not... as bro Frankiestine says...
Originally Posted by Frankiestine
well coming from some one who has being down that road before...dun say i nvr warn you....YOU HEADING INTO ONE BIG PILE OF SHIT!!!
Note: You have been WARNED!!!