Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
HKIA to CA ...
I got few PM asking for advice.... I think I better post this... for the benefit of all bros...
There 2 companies that i know that can take you from HKIA to CA directly... cost is about RMB200 or HK$250....
When you come out from HK custom and finish taking out your bags, you will come out either Hall# A or Hall# B at the Arrival terminal of the HKIA....
Once you are out, you need to head to Hall A in the Arrival terminal (just turn left and move to the end of Hall A, really the end of Hall A, look for counters selling bus ticket) to reach the counter selling bus ticket or MPV ticket to CA.....
2 companies counters (opposite each other)....
1. CTS (counter number A10 or A04 - just look for the sign board at the counter for CTS) - this is a bus that will take you from HKIA to CA via 皇岗口岸. ABout RMB180 per person. At 皇岗口岸, you need to come out from Bus with all your luggages, and cross the border (lining up). Upon cross the border, you will continue to board bus to CA and will reach Chang An Hotel. I took this route from CA to HKIA the other day. Bus schedule is very hourly: 10:05, 11:05, 12:05, 13:05 and so on until 20:05.
Process Flow:
CA (Chang An Hotel) Bus - 皇岗口岸 - come out with luggage and line up to cross China border - go up another bus to bring you to HK border - come out from Bus to cross HK border - go up the same bus to HKIA.
2. 华通 (counter number A15) - this is MPV (about 5 persons per MPV). Cost about HK$250. I took this rounte from HKIA to CA. The MPV will bring you to cross using 吨门 / 深圳湾 border. This is one you no need to come out and line up, you cross border inside the MPV, the MPV will bring you to custom and clearing custom inside MPV... very easy... the downside is no fix schedule, the MPV will only move if there are enough persons.
Here is the Process flow:
HKIA - 吨门 / 深圳湾 border - Shezhen car park (I donno where - change to another MPV to CA - Reach CA and change another MPV according to your last destination or which hotel you stay (like Lang Qin Dao).