Re: Indonesian massage, no hanky Panky, Good, Clean massage
Originally Posted by smallGiant
her criterias, given to me by her, not i anyhow state:
prefer malays, no indians/chinese sorry!
age 30 and below
if she continues to b so selective abt race n age, then i thk it's gonna b very difficult for her bookings to pick up. dun 4get d horny chinese form d majority of SB residents here.
oso dun understd y she pref those age 30 n below? men who r more mature more hum sup is it??? n again, dun 4get many bros who patronise massage joints here r above 30! n they r d ones who r likely to have higher spending power n give heavier tips!
My 23rd year of romance with SBF. Semi-retired from chionging scene.
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