Double Bagging Condoms - Using Two Condoms
Question: Does using two condoms provide better pregnancy protection than just using one?
A common question about condom use is whether or not males should use two condoms during intercourse to decrease the chances of pregnancy. Along the same lines, many people believe using both a male condom and a female condom may provide even better pregnancy protection.
Answer: Although it may SEEM like a good idea, it is not recommended (for either safer sex or pregnancy protection) to use two condoms at the same time. This act, also known as "double bagging," can actually increase the friction between the condoms during sex which makes them
more likely to rip or tear. It is fine to just rely on the use of one condom as your method of birth control as condoms are 85% to 98% effective and are not only reliable in preventing pregnancy, but can successfully protect against many sexually transmitted infections.