Originally Posted by XiaoHoUzi83
now XR29 is the offical CAN opener!
i was there , i saw the "can" very SYT, stick to XR29 like a glue the next morning. cant blame her, 1st man in her life.
you leave too early lah, when i leaving, he kena another KC trap leh, mummy's cousin(she said she call ah xia), took leave 2 days to accompany him leh, stick to him like glue, dun let him out of sight leh.
hahahaha........... i got pic prove one hor,
but cant any how post, so have to wait for kopi time then show u lah.
她讲她叫阿霞, 拿了两天的假期来陪XR29。如果她又护照的话,她会跟着xr29回新加坡。帮他生个肥肥胖胖 的儿子。
曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我眼前,但我没有去珍惜。 直到消失以后才后悔莫及。人世间的悲哀莫过如此,如果上天能给我一次重来的机会,我会对那女的说我爱你。。 。。 如果要在份爱加上一个期限。。。我希望是一万年。。。