Originally Posted by XiaoHoUzi83
wa lao
u both good loh...
got kc..
i no KC...
T.T no one follow me to airport...
the ah xia is the sexy voice one ah?
thinking of taking....
now cannot le...
dye the hair gold gold colour one lah
the Mummy(MiMi) say is her cousin one lor.
your that 四川gal, the 2nd nite we go there , i ask her sit down and drink, hahahaha.... really can drink leh, finish 1.5 bottle of vokka , plus min spending (wine) , hahaha.............. end up we go supper , i drunk liao, we agrue and agrue (over dun noe what lah) then i make a big fool out of myself leh.,
XR29 see liao also scare.
PS: she claim that she 10 mins settle u liao leh, but in the morning some one call u then u wake up if not she would have won the prize money we set on her.