Thread: Advise please
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Old 09-01-2009, 11:17 PM
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Re: Advise please

Love is blind, they say. But if there's one thing that restores clear vision, it's living with someone day-in, day-out. Nothing like that to topple a lover off their pedestal and expose their flaws, right? Well, sometimes not it seems. The idealised view of a partner doesn't always disappear when the early throes of passion have passed.

In the first flush of love, we almost all gloss over our partner's faults. But researchers studying married couples have found that in the happiest marriages, this overrating habit continues – in fact it's the glue that keeps these couples together over time.

These are spouses who tend not to notice their partners' shortcomings and recall only the good times in their relationship. This positive spin seems to not only keep them content, it's also good for their health. Spouses who see things this way have less chronic disease.

While the experts are still exploring exactly what's going on, the heart of the issue might be the way these couples approach conflict. When they have a dispute, they talk about the issue in a calm, rational way and listen to each other's point of view. This might mean they have less exposure to stress hormones, which are known to be associated with illnesses like heart disease.

Whether you can learn to see your partner as nicer than he or she really is, isn't known. In the couples studied, it happens unconsciously and has nothing to do with gender, religion, education or socio-economic background. But personality features, like being easy-going might make you more likely to idealise things.

Interestingly, the habit need exist in only one partner, for the effects to be seen. So if you don't tend to wear rose-tinted glasses yourself, at least choose a partner who does.

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