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Old 16-01-2009, 09:09 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
"running a forum can make money and one can also lose a pile. At the other forum, if I don't make $x amount every month, I lose my pants. Hosting charges plus bandwidth plus additional charges for extra hardware come up to many thousands of dollars a month. In the first two years of operation, I lost more than USD10,000 running the place. Everybody logged on for the info... OKTs went there to make money but nobody wanted to pay a cent for their free adverts in my forum. They made the money. I had to carry the costs."
read the whole post here
Sam's Alfresco Coffee - View Single Post - Posting Stats in this forum since the Delphi forum shutdown.
Of course with all due respect for sam, I fully understand his concerns and risks too. Over the years when I first noted the its development in 97/98/99, its pool of memberships and attentions have growth, which I am glad that his "little project" take off and I am sure alot of its lay members appreciate the presence of this forum. If I could, I would have sponsored this website should I derive personal benefits from its presence, which I don't and I don't need to.

With the hint of me "stand to gain personally from the 'help' they provide", I canot fathom on how I can stand to gain and how I been stereotyped as one. I have my own integrity to hold and definitely a true believer of karma. If I have to make such gain, I reckon I must be the worst and failed my mathematics terribly. Imagine her damage is just 60.

As such, of course sam need to balance his sheets, rather than picking or defining who and who stand to make their own personal gain through the use of this forum based on some unreliable "expert systems", if there is an immediate need to balance the sheets, it may be more justifiable to make it more commercialised and run it like ebay. Cheers!