Re: Student Pass for a PRC
Originally Posted by slider_72
Bro, according to what you say, you met her on QQ. I assume you have never met her in person before, nor have you visited her at home or seen her parents. Whatever information you have about her is based on what she told you. Is it possible that she may have told you a tall tale about her family background? If a girl is interested in coming here to work as a FL, and you are a total stranger she met on the net, what are the probabilities of her telling you she is coming here to fuck strangers for money?
And when she asked you to recommend courses to her, was cost an issue for her or did she indicate what sort of courses that she is interested in? If cost was not an issue for her, why then did you ask about the cheapest course available? I can only assume that you did not talk about her interests, what type of employment she hopes to get into after completing her course, her purpose of coming here apart from a one-year vacation.
Honestly I don't give a damm if she is telling the truth or telling the lie, because I am not her sugar daddy. I am just trying to be a friendly singaporean by providing her with information that she has asked for. She wants to know what courses are available in Siingapore, and obviously with just RMB50,000, she can't be doing a masters degree here. That is why I asked brothers here to recommend courses that are low in cost.
Ever since I reached puberty, my taste for women has not changed.. Their average age is always 20.