Originally Posted by QQBoy
Honestly I don't give a damm if she is telling the truth or telling the lie, because I am not her sugar daddy.
Fair enough. But that is what you are thinking right now. Let's see if that is true if she came here after 3 months.
Originally Posted by QQBoy
I am just trying to be a friendly singaporean by providing her with information that she has asked for.
Fair enough again. But let me ask you something, and u can choose not to answer. You have done a video chat with her and knows how she looks. Answer truthfully, the reason you wanted to help her is beyond being just a friendly singaporean?
Originally Posted by QQBoy
She wants to know what courses are available in Siingapore, and obviously with just RMB50,000, she can't be doing a masters degree here. That is why I asked brothers here to recommend courses that are low in cost.
She wants to noe the living life in Singapore? There are 1000s and 1000s of places she can go, why here? If she's keen in studying, the cost of the tuition fees becomes secondary.
Sorry bro QQboy, I seriously doubt her intention of wanting to know how singaporean live, it is more likely that she wants to know first hand how easy singaporean can be cai tao.