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Old 22-02-2009, 07:58 PM
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Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by QQBoy View Post
She said she wants to experience living in Singapore. Could she get that experience if she were to study locally?
Something just doesn't add up. Which is more important?

[1] To experience the Singapore way of living?
[2] To study and get a certificate/diploma/degree?

If it is [1], she wants to experience living in Singapore for 6 months/1 year/2 years? During this time, how is she going to support herself? Her family? Her relatives? You? There are other alternatives besides being a student in Singapore. One to apply a work permit to work in Singapore. Mind you, I am talking about genuine jobs. Jobs at petrol stations (doing shift work, 7am to 3pm, 3pm to 11pm) which can earn her about more than S$1K per month, and more if she's willing to do OT). Another alternative is getting a tourist visa, perhaps maybe 30+30 days, The options are left to her to decide.

If it is [2], then Singapore should not be the choice. She could have gone to Canada, England, US, Australia etc for her studies. If it is about language problems, then she could remain in China. The courses offered are definitely more useful then the courses (those that need agents intervention) over here.

After analyzing the situation, I'm not sure if this is case of small head winning over the big head.

Bro QQBoy, I am not doubting your sincerity in helping her. It is the way in which help is being rendered that I find it suspicious.

Well, end of the day, this is just between you and her, and has nothing to do with me. But if her intention is to earn fast bucks, do let me know, I'll like to be the first in line to try her. I promise to write a FR after my experience.
The scholar had graduated, and all that is left is my little red plum.