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Old 03-03-2009, 09:08 AM
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Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective

I believe that here is Sg, we will never really see many of the higher educated and also more wealthy PRC MM's. Most are here for the main purpose of making money and getting a honey... But I just came back from Beijing last week. My distributors have a very large proportion of very highly educated PRC's. I met a very nice young lady who is 27, studied in America and has perfect English. She took care of me while I was there, (since I lau pan) but there was no sexual connotations. And when I left for the airport, she even sms'ed me to make sure I was safe. That job was supposed to have been done by the manager, but she also took it upon herself to do it... Hints? Meanings? Looking into it, highly educated, pretty, petite, and speaks English well. Parents rich enough to send her abroad for education. Wow... KC or work her a little and can a nice FB who I can visit whenever I am in Beijing.

But I did not look too much into them and am not interested in getting a PRC second wife. Not meaning to be demeaning or what.

She never called or sms since I got back a couple of days ago and I do not feel sad or whatever. We were just like 2 ships passing in the vast ocean. Our paths had crossed but briefly and that was it. This should be the attitude because this means nothing needs to be ventured and therefore nothing needs to be lost.
To the bros and sistas who have upped my points, pls leave name and when I can, I will do the same. For those who jus enjoy my posts, thank you for enjoying.