Re: Student Pass for a PRC
Originally Posted by warbird
Is it true that a PRC MM working in a GL legal house can never change her status/visa into say a student visa while she is in S'pore?
Furthermore, is it true that once she returns to China, she can never get any visa to come back to S'pore, not even a social pass or tourist visa?
What if a SGP man marries her in China, could he then get a visa for her to come to S'pore?
Thx a lot!
Yes. She can NEVER come in as a student visa or social visit. Reason is simple. She has gotten yellow card before...ICA will have the assumption that for whatever kinda pass she is gona hold in the future, she will be working as a FL.
Well...if a SG man marries her in CHINA...its tough to stay...ICA still got reason to reject her..reason being...ROM cert is done in CHINA...appeal thru MP la....but then again..there are so many PRC gers...why a yellow card ger?
The marriage will face will alot of issue in time to come for sure.
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