Thread: Bintan Reports
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Old 26-11-2003, 01:25 PM
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Balai report by cybermonk 02/09/03

Originally posted by cybermonk 02/09/03

Tg Balai Field Report
ok 30th August to 1st Sept 2003 - Destination Tg Balai. Hey all thx a bunch for all your field reports, and contibutions, me nd my friends had an wonderful and exciting as well

adventures time in Balai. There is soo much to write i will split into three section
1. Trip Report,
2. Cheong Report
3. Contacts

Started off the journey towards south west in an penguin early afternoon on saturday(30th aug), This was my first trip to Balai though i have heard about all the stats about this place. my friends had take the early morning ferry, but due to some work last minute i had to travel late by myself thought i was bit worried. any ways reached at balai 3+ after immigration stepped out of customs ohh i was scared suddenly i see people calling me from all side to hire them for transportaion selling hotel room, i dont unerstand a single sentence they are talking about though i am familar with some words,I was actually looking for a pal by name ah guan, who was sugested by my friend as a big brother in that place but for some reason either they did not understand what i was saying,

I was supposed to walk to holiday karimun, and ask for my friends who have already checked in, atlast when i reached the hotel lobby i understood and rembered all the advise in this forum. thx guys again u need to know someone local if things had to be comfortable no offence ment plz.

My friends got the best rooms in the hotel third floor sea view( room nos frm 320-330 even nos ony) after shower, we met Ah guan cool and friendly big brother ohh man he commends respect in his circle any ways, he sugested that all the girls at the vila would have been booked so sugested me to pick a girl from the karoke.

So picked one from the karoke and in the room (see section 2 hahhaaa). later fire lunch, fire fire, dinner fire , play chow-ki-tie or something like that, once the game rolled i understood it was strip poker, al of had some fun and drink, later fire sleep fire breakfast fire and girl one leave the hotel at 9.00 am+.

31st aug refreshed went out to pick girls aroound 10+ i was recomended by ah Guan three girls two were already booked so left with one choice for my liking lucky me found here and she meet all my desires when i looked at her, paid and picked her reach hotel go wild wild and then lunch rest fire drink refresh and dress up for the evening, dinner then went to karoake bit of drink and dance and some party fun, back in hotel fire rest fire sleep morning fire breakfast tip girl and she leaves the hotel, after some time massage lunch checkin in back on penguin to singapore.

Section 2.
Girl 1, as mentioned picked her from the hotel she was much on the plump side but was advised very good in service, off all the activities with her best was her pusy was trimed and tight i felt she was virgin, nothing much to shout about her.

Girl 2, This was the best part of my whole trip she was cute and very inviting, once in the room we were like long lost lovers trying to grab each other and reaching for pulling out the others clothes $$$$$$ng rooling on the bed ended up in the bath tub washand dryup when she was drying up i was admiring at her body ohh man she had one the best boobs i ahd seen its all soft and 30c, yes the tits brown and can become as hard dick head if applied right technique. now that i am wirting this report i have an hard think about her should matrubate hahhhaaaaaa.

i dont think i would be able to describe my experiece with her in a report here, anyways to sumrise she is acomdating, would suck(BBBJ), if turned on would go wild take care of your brother she can really go bang on it with such immense force ohh i luv it. when she is hot and most of the time she is would cunt suck ur cock ohh very very shiok, and the lovable thing is when u cum she hold u so tight and after u cum she just hugs tight and shrinks herslf into u like GF, it was latenight after the drinking and karoke session, in the hotel when we made love it was wild and after we both cum we slep together in each others arms later around 2+ me like a scary boy friend had to slip from her arms grasp to take a puff ohh man it was a beautiful evening ..

okay other statistics about her she do sing pretty good as i dont sing anything it was bit soso for me. no smoking and no drinking, and she has very good lingre and take good care of herself healthwise. no bad breadth and very good atitude my only dis advantage was she knows only Bahasa and she from bandung, in balai fot the past 2 months.

Section 3.
Contact Person - Ah Guan , hong kong- Big brother late 40's, chinese indonesian, very firendly and knows ur taste and a lot of contacts on the whole island. outside the customs just ask for AH Guan and u will be received with respect atleast guided where to meet him.

FRm sg : 00162 811 69 5048
frm m'sia : 0062 811 69 50 48

No. 1 Jalan Trikora Laut, Tanjung Balai Karimun, Indonesia
Tel: 62-777-21165

Cost SGD $25 - SGD $35,
personal recomendation take rooms 326, 328, 329, 330 best sea view with sunset from ur window.There is a sweet cost SGD $50 with balcony and additional room and from there its the best view in the whole hotel of sea and the port.

Hotel location
Turn left and walk for 100 ydrs after the customs. u can also ask at the hotel reception for ah guan.
Breakfast included,

Vila 12A - Ririn, no 36 i think..,( my 2nd girl ohh man she is good ), one of my friend picked her firned mona, from the same house no ???

Vila 1 - girl # 42, my friend had her.

Alya Cino PUb Disco & karoke - girl 10, erna tight pusy ( my first girl, tight pusy)

Another girl by name Anie my friend experience was when he fuck she moan untill we were getting high in the next room hehhe pun inteded, can find G-spot very easily and guys u know whats in store.

My personal experience and advise is Boobs lovers take Ririn u would luv them. Sorry for reasons i am not posting their contact no here.

Alya Cino Pub Disco & Karoke
0812 775 93545

one last thing,

One man's Meat is anothers poison.