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Old 04-06-2009, 02:52 PM
niefeng23 niefeng23 is offline
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niefeng23 deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: SyT MiMi is BACK sLiM SeXy BoDy FiGuRe ThAt ALL BrOs WouLd LoVe tO LaY HaNds

A short FR for Mimi......please give a little points if u like my FR.thxs

Had a appt with this syt today before lunch.......first impression was quite good,she was already ready for me, can see from her make-up although i dun like girls with thick make up...her make up was rather thick.....she looks really young...if without the make-up i believe she will look even younger......feels like bonking a teenage making out with ur yound inexperienced gf in secondary school.....another thing to note is she is really slim abit too slim................would be better if she puts on a bit more weight

her english is really half bucket....cannot understand most of my sentences but she still smiles lah............the bath was SOP and the FJ was good too....she was responsive and moans quite loudly too..........

after the business she lies beside me and watched TV and rested her head on my shoulder.....really GFE......sometimes she will sneak a peek at me looking at my face from below....really like GF.....after that i requested her for a short massage...dun see her skinny skinny .....her fingers are really powerful.....few times requested her to lighten her touch...if not sure blue black...LOL

too keep the story short...she really is a syt...

Rate on MIMI

Look: 7/10
Body: 7/10
Boobs: 6/10 - not for boobs love like me
Bbbj: 6/10 - halfway she capped me and bj only.....
Fj: 8/10
Massage: 8/10
Gfe: 9/10
Rtf: too many girls to RTF......