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Old 07-06-2009, 02:00 AM
Saereht Saereht is offline
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

well mine not exactly someone i ONS with, but rather someone i confessed my deep confession to a girl whom i been secretly in love with since the first day i stepped into my secondary school, btw she was two years old than me.

Here how it went, I was still together with my then gf (now wife, divorcing soon), cut short, i gathered my courage and i confessed my love to this girl. then next day, i was shopping with my gf and this girl happened to saw me.

We simply smiled at each other then went off liao.

My gf asked who was it, i simply said my school mate.

btw i can start new thread on me and this girl if anybody interested to know. but please take note this one purely no sex involved.
It only because she was she, and I was I.

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