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Old 14-08-2009, 10:03 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by coolmanks View Post
U mean if you paid 4K to bonk and later she bonk others, YOU consider wear green hat? LOL
That's not what I meant. What I meant was if you're in a relationship with an ex-WL or any non entertainment scene girl. Be it with money or almost no money involved. When she cheat on you then I consider as betrayal.

Originally Posted by coolmanks View Post
Have one round before going to dinner with her. During dinner, she have a call. 5 minutes later she said, she is not used to over night "cannot sleep", can she just do ST? I replied ok, but I will only pay tips for ST. I am happy as I 'ah pek' already, it is unlikely I can go another round and I saved some money.

Later, the friend who was at the KTV called, saying, he is meeting her later.

To me, this more funny than anything else. No other emotion at all, after she is a prof, her job is to be bonked, so what wrong about being bonk by a friend instead of strangers?

And I am happy that the friend enjoy very much his session with her.
Yes this is nothing surprising as some are greedy and scheming. This happened to me before. I'll let them go as no point at all when the mood is spoilt. Most importantly it's time consuming to get a replacement especially when we're not residents. We've limited time.

As I've already stated my requirements upfront before any deals and later if the girl comes out with some bullshit. I'll always "F" the girl and mummy upside down to make a point that I'm a Singaporean and I'm not an idiot. When the mummy try to avoid me. I go down and find her and trash it out with her. You can pull it off with other Singaporeans without a trashing but not me. I once make a girl lose face in the hotel lobby big time. Yes I'm a bastard. Hahaha. This is important for me when I RTF the joint again. It's either I ban them or they don't do my business. It doesn't hurt me because supply is more than demand. If they want to do my business again then they better wake up their idea.

They'll think twice before pulling off such nonsense if they're dealing with a Taiwanese or Hong Konger. They see us Singaporeans as weaklings and Mr. Nice Guys. Sorry I'm only a Mr. Nice Guy if you don't take me as a fool. I'll be a bastard if you want to play me out.

The bottomline is if you can't keep your part of the deal and try to pull a fast one. Then it's WAR!

Originally Posted by p-(^_^)-q View Post
Sometimes we all come out and do biz one.. dun be too mean.. i always belive in got karma one... if within our means can help by giving a few hundred buck more why not.. the first day i touch down in ca on my birthday, another bro and i rush over to liao bu to save a 16 yrs kid from the wolfs... then send her back to her parents hand.. both of us also did not ask her for anything in return.. just doing a good deed. although her mum never believe that i am clean with her.. but deep in both our hearts we know we treated each other with basic mutual respect as friends.

All of us adult liao.. must use big head to control small head.. but of course.. we also got kanna con by these story before.. but i am sure those gals although con us.. but they wont feel good in their hearts at all.. coz they also knew .. majority of those guys there are bastards.. but nevertheless, i can see that singaporean hold the highest respect among all the nationalities within the majority of the gals there..
Bro it's up to individual how they want to treat these girls. I don't take advantage and try to treat them like a girlfriend and respect them but if they take such kindness as a sign of weakness and exploit. Then sorry I'll turn into a sadist. And I'm proud to admit it.

Originally Posted by Ange|Boy View Post
Thats true Bro, I always enjoy visiting China, they make Singaporeans feels special. Can really see that they enjoy being with Singaporeans, something which we don't feel in Sg with our Sg girls
Enjoy being with Singaporeans or Chairman Mao more?

You say Singaporeans good until like that. Wait later Singapore's top property consultant James Chong will come in and start boasting wor!