Originally Posted by Sinoview
Young bro,
Relationship ? wat kind of r/s ?
If just loosely "get together out of convenient or basis needs" which is wat most of us are doing...
Then wat U expect the MM to do when u r not around ? U want her to wash clean clean waitin for yr phone n yr coming all days n nights? Even if u give her a few Ks rmb a month when we r absence most of the time...
It's take two hands to clap...they r not stopid either... If we just play play which most of us r..they also ll do likewise ...... That's Y distant r/s is the most difficult to maintain.....
We cannot expect "much fm wat fm others"...if we do not offer much for them....."
A few Ks rmb or some sweet talks means nothing nowadays....
"Multi-tasking" seems ro be the popular game most people like to engage on.... Haha... R we all NOT doing that ?
So R we consider as betrayal too ??? Hehe.........
Understand the rules of the game.....will MAKE US A HAPPIER PERSON....
When we r all in a game....same rules applied to all.....a Ks money r part of the fee to join in the game...NOT exclusive......U want exclusive U hv to pay a much higher price which is another level liao... R u prepared to do so ?
Have fun n be happy....
Very mature thinking.. although never met u before.. ur thinking is very mature which i fully agree
Well .. when it comes to Mulit-tasking... WE have something in our world called "buffer register overflow"
It takes a little be of thinking and strategy to DONT pay a premium and let the gal wash clean clean and wait for you... .. but not everyone is up to the game..
Again do too much evil things .. will have karma one... Haiz... hope mine dont come soo early.